Happy Birthday Wishes

Here you can seek for all kind of birthday messages and Wishes by having a large range of selection to choose between general wishes and wishes referred to specific persons.

Birthday is a very great day to celebrate and lovers are always excited to say happy birthday their loved ones. It has a vital role for a person; It give immense pleasure to attend our friends or lovers birthday party, we buy gifts and lot of fun activities on party. Best way to make this beautiful day special by adding some wishes as saying happy birthday only is not enough.

Here are my wishes wrapped with love, have a Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May your life Be full of happiness, achievements and everything you deserve. May happiness welcome you every time. Happy Birthday

Friendship is a very strong relation and they are always there to send wishes to friends on their birthdays. Each year is just like new cricket inning. Different people celebrate this day in different style. People in their 40s or 50s prefer to celebrate it by arranging parties while teen-age people have their different style. So that’s why wishes are also different according to the age group.

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Birthday is an opportunity for lovers to express their emotions so you can also send some romantic words in your wish like:

Kiss, Hug, Strength: Whatever I need them, you are always there with open arms. Today is a special day and I want to share and celebrate the real happiness with you. Happy Birthday Darling!

May you always keep giving us profusely the largest smile of yours. Happy Birthday

No words in any language are enough to express how grateful I am, for your being in my life. Happy Birthday!

My best wishes for a furious and voracious day filled with plenty of smile and laughter.

I wouldn’t have been the person I am if not for those beautiful moments of my life that I have shared with you.

Thanks for being there and touching my life in the most unique way. Best wishes for your Happy Birthday!

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